And, California has no shortage of wineries, mirroring the Dornish, who also produce their own wine. The residents of Dorne know how to enjoy the outdoors in their carefully landscaped gardens in a similar way as influencers enjoy the sights at the ACE Hotel. The high palms, warm weather and beautiful desert landscapes in Dorne are eerily similar to the vibes in California's Palm Springs. Whether you're Team Daenerys Targaryen or Team Lannister, let's take a road trip around the country to get to know the cities that most closely resemble the seven original kingdoms. Before we wrap this odyssey with a pretty bow, we took a minute to picture the seven kingdoms as U.S. Now we're only a handful of episodes away from finding out who will take their place on the Iron Throne. Still not complicated enough for you? Ok, fine.For the past seven seasons of Game of Thrones, we've been introduced to the original seven kingdoms, from the Iron Islands to Dorne and Winterfell in the North. Oh, and btw, think Game of Thrones is complicated? It's nothing compared to the European Royal Family Tree! Well, now that Season 6 is over, I decided to remake it to include the big R + L = J revelation and also to expand it slightly so that it covers all 8 of the "great houses" (one for each of the "seven kingdoms" + the Targaryens). Plus, different seasons focus on different subplots and therefore a chart that is useful for one season isn't always as useful for another season.Īwhile back, I made a chart for the website that focused only on the main plot - who is the rightful king (or queen) of Westeros? In particular, it showed why the Baratheons claimed the throne after the death of the mad king. This is because the show simply has so many characters that it's impossible to get them all on one chart. There are a lot of Game of Thrones character charts out there but I find most of them to be pretty overwhelming. But be forewarned that it contains spoilers up to the end of Season 7 **